Ladies Craft Night
Please join our ladies for a great night of relaxation and fellowship! Come participate in some crafts, laugh, and enjoy time with godly women. Price is $10 a piece for materials. Please bring a finger food to share.

Softball Game
Join us for a night of softball and fellowship! Show us how good you play or root on your church teammates! We will have burgers and hotdogs to follow, so come hang out and eat some food!

Church Work Day
Come out and help us clean up, fix up, and do some projects at our church! It’ll be a fun time of fellowship and service to the place we call home!

Youth Rally
Teens! Come join us for an exciting youth rally at one of our ally churches, Berean Baptist! Prepare for a night of worship, games, and fun! We will be taking a van from the church for this event. Hope to see you there!

Ladies Game Night
Please join our ladies for a great night of relaxation and fellowship! Come play some games, laugh, and enjoy time with godly women. Price is $5 a piece for materials. Please bring a finger food to share.

See You At The Pole
Join us as we start of this school year, both homeschooled and public, with a time of prayer!

Volleyball Tournament
It’s time for VOLLEYBALL! Come find out which group is the best at bumping, setting, and spiking on their competition! This is a tournament we have a couple times a year and we would be so excited if you came!

Ladies Paint Night
Please join our ladies for a great night of relaxation and fellowship! Come paint some pottery, laugh, and enjoy time with godly women. Please bring a finger food to share.

Young Adults Hang Out
We are excited to hang with our Young Adults and be able to grow our group to reach more people for the gospel! We hope that you can join us for this night of food, fellowship, and games!

Fellowship Night
Join us for a night of fellowship, food, and friendship! We are so excited to do our second fellowship night where we split up with people in our own stage of life! Location of each of our meetings will be given as we get closer.

Students All Nighter
Our Students will stay up all night and have fun, fellowship, and learn how, and why, we should see God. There will be food, games, bowling, movies, and much much more! If you have a student who wants to join, feel free to reach out to our student pastor with any questions!

Stompers and Chompers VBS
We are hosting a 1 day VBS blitz again this year, and we'd love for your 4-14 year old(s) to join us. We're going to have multiple Bible lesson times, games, activities, food, and tons and tons of FUN!

Students Cardinals Game
Our Students are going to a Springfield Cardinals game! Join our Students as they enjoy a fun night out full of laughter, cheering, and fellowship!

Freedom Feast
Join us as we celebrate the freedom that God has given our nation! We are free to meet and praise God’s glory no matter what, so we will be celebrating God’s grace and those who have/are serving for that freedom. Please bring a side or a dessert to share and enjoy a time of games and relaxation with our church people.

Students Hike
Our students are venturing out into God’s glorious creation to enjoy nature and each other’s company! Please join us as we get out into the world and seek God in the space that He created!

Ladies Spa Night
Please join our ladies for a great night of relaxation and fellowship! Come get a manicure, a pedicure, and enjoy time with godly women. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided, but please bring a finger food to share.